Dettwiler Concussion Lab


Annegret Dettwiler 

[email protected] 



Room 132D 
Princeton Neuroscience Institute 
Princeton Univeristy
Princeton NJ, 08540 

In the Media

Bussiness Today

The Brain Boom: The Birth of the Concussion Industry 

Ted Talk 

Annegret Dettwiler-Danspeckgruber shares the elusive and invisible nature of concussions as well as the short term and long term effects of concussions.

Science Friday

"Headstrong" looks at the high price some athletes pay for staying in the game.

Concussions at Princeton 

How concussion research at Princeton is impacting student-athletes 


Concussion in Women: Short-and Long-Term Health Implications
Persistent differences in patterns of brain activation after sports-related concussion: a longitudinal functional magnetic resonance imaging study
A longitudinal diffusion tensor imaging study assessing white matter fiber tracts after sports-related concussion
Persistent differences in patterns of brain activation after sports- related concussion: a longitudinal fMRI study
A diffusion tensor imaging study on the white matter skeleton in individuals with sports-related concussion